Watt Bike training

For the next 2 months we’ll be using Watt Bikes as part of our Monday night circuit training for 14+ riders.  Tonight we did some sprint racing:

210m sprint   380m sprint   500m sprint
Ash H fastest Josh B fastest Josh B fastest
Adam P +0.2 Jamie C +0.8 Jamie C +2
Rich W +0.94 Rich F 1.1 Adam +2.4
Josh B +0.94 Lewis O +2 Phil C +2.9
Rich F +0.98 Adam P +2.2 Rich F +3.4
Dan K +1.2 Ash H +2.6 Dan K +3.7
Jamie C +1.3 Rich W +2.7 Ash H +7.1
Lewis O +1.6 Dan K +2.8 Pete W +8
Phil C +2.1 Pete W +3.7 Brian H +15.3
Lewis R +2.2 Lauren J +6 Matt H +18.5
Pete W +2.7 Brian H +6.7
Lauren J +2.9 Ben H +8.3
Brian H +3.2
Ben H +3.5
Matt H +3.9

how fast are our fastest?  Not telling.   🙂