Kristian Mitchell – Get Well Soon
Unfortunately Kristian broke his arm whilst playing on a children's assault course last weekend. Kristian was so looking forward to making his debut in this
Unfortunately Kristian broke his arm whilst playing on a children's assault course last weekend. Kristian was so looking forward to making his debut in this
Jack, Myself and Becky would like to say a huge thank you to all of the coaches and riders who trained, gave riding tips and
Congratulations to Ash, second in the British U16 finals and missing out by one point. Congratulations also on the fastest race win of the day!
are under the Photos menu, here.
Congratulations to Jack Chaplin, British Under 10's Champion 2011 after a maximum 20 points in the finals! and Congratulations to Gemma Hill, British
Follow your favourite Cycle Speedway club at @IpswichEagles. If you want to post updates on Twitter in the clubs name, please contact Phil Clarke.
Speedway fan and all-round top DJ Stephen Foster gives a name check to the favourites from Ipswich and kesgrave for the finals. "Listen Again" to
Club President Ivan Pike would like to wish all the best to all those taking part in this weekends Wilco sponsored British Championships weekend with
There will be no open training on 29th August 2011 due to it being a Bank Holiday Monday as well as British Finals Weekend.
All welcome! Our first Cycle ball training session
It's a bit cold, so the training shifts
Whittons Sports Centre, Ipswich, IP1 6LW
0791 808 1018
Evenings, weekends